First kick-off meeting for Inclusive Higher Education Training Program

A new project is at the beginning: Inclusive Higher Education Training Program, coordinated by EIA Portugal.
It is a project that touches on a very hot and current topic, especially for teachers and trainers who urgently need to update their skills for inclusion. Students with special educational needs need to be integrated and for this to actually happen, teachers and trainers need to be well prepared and ready to work with these students.

The main objective of the project is to develop and deliver a training program on inclusive pedagogic methodologies that will prepare higher education professors to instruct students with disabilities while improving their pedagogic qualifications in general but will do it on an inclusive context also preparing the professors to deliver inclusive classes and produce adapted, accessible pedagogic materials.

The target groups of the project are higher education professors, but also, indirectly, higher education students and applicants who will benefit from being taught by professors who have pedagogic training and feel ready and confident to instruct students with disabilities. Also the higher education institutions need professors to become ready to instruct students with disabilities.

Stay tuned for more information and updates about this new project!


Asociația pentru Sprijinirea Inițiativelor Educaționale își exprimă solidaritatea deplină cu Ucraina și cu poporul ucrainean confruntat cu agresiunea Federației Ruse!

Membrii asociației susțin acțiunile de sprijin și ajutor inițiate de autoritățile locale, în special cele ale Primăriei Iași și ale Inspectoratului Școlar al Județului Iași.

Vă invităm pe toți cei care ne urmăriți și ne susțineți să dați o mână de ajutor celor aflați acum în situații de mare dificultate și să sprijiniți Campania #Solidaritate pentru pace!

Iată câteva informații utile:

Strângere de fonduri/ donații

Primăria Iaşi: produse alimentare neperisabile, lenjerii de pat, pături, pilote noi sau puțin uzate și jucării în stare de funcționare (NU se primesc haine!).


  • Piața Unirii, 
  • Podu Roș (1001 Articole), 
  • Esplanada Nicolina,
  • Esplanada Oancea (Tătărași), 
  • Esplanada Mimoza (Păcurari), 
  • Piața Voievozilor (Alexandru cel Bun), 
  • Parcul Copou

! în intervalul 9:00-15:00, până la finalul acestei săptămâni!

  • Inspectoratul Scolar Județean Iași: alimente neperisabile, apă, medicamente, lapte praf, pampers, produse de igienă adulți, copii.

!Donațiile vor fi ambalate în cutii care să conțină același tip de produs, consemnăndu-se pe cutie categoria de produse conținute.

Donațiile vor fi colectate în unitățile de învățământ în perioada 02.03.-07.03.2022 și vor fi predate ulterior către Depozitul de carte al ISJ Iași. Contact Dorina Ilie tel. 0744 757480.

  • Consiliul Judeţean Iaşi în parteneriat cu Crucea Roşie Română-filiala Iaşi: alimente neperisabile, alimente de primă necesitate (supe, piureuri sau tăiței instant), apă îmbuteliată, lenjerii, paturi pliante sau saci de dormit noi, produse de igienă personală ambalate/sigilate, articole pentru copii (scutece de unică folosință, șervețele, produse de igienă) ambalate/sigilate, măști și produse dezinfectante, ceaiuri și cafea (în cutii sigilate)


  • Centrul Expozițional Moldova
  • Casa Muzeelor

! în intervalul 09,00-17,00!

  • CRUCEA Roşie: adăpost, hrană, produse de igienă personală, produse de cazarmament.
  • Donaţii:
  • DONAȚII ONLINE pe site-ul
  • DONAȚII PRIN SMS, la numărul 8825, cu textul UMANITATE (donatii în valoare de 2 euro în toate rețelele de telefonie mobilă). 
  • DONAȚII DE ALIMENTE GREU PERISABILE în magazinele Carrefour, Mega Image și Cora prin programul Banca de Alimente.  
  • DONAȚII ÎN CONTURILE campaniei deschise la BRD Agenția Piața Romana:

RO76BRDE410SV07590484100 (Lei), RO12BRDE410SV31714694100  (Euro), 

RO88BRDE410SV36413794100 (USD)

  • Crucea Roşie-filiala Iaşi organizează Colecta la sediul din bulevardul Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt nr 10, bloc B1, parter:
  • alimente neperisabile, alimente de prima necesitate (supe, piureuri instant), apa, ceai, paturi, lenjerii, saci de dormit – NOI, produse de igiena personala, articole pentru copii – scutece de unica folosinta, servetele, produse de igiena, dezinfectanti, măşti. 

(Produsele colectate vor fi organizate de către Crucea Roşie Română în transport umanitar şi trimise colegilor de la Crucea Roşie Ucraineană, respectând modul de organizare al IFRC si principiile mişcării).

Cont în lei dedicat este RO25BRDE240SV45339202400 și euro RO15BRDE240SV06910912400

First Virtual Management Meeting of Hol Up Erasmus+ Project

On 25th of June, the first Management Meeting of Hol Up Project was organised virtually by the coordinating organisation, University of Mugla (Turkey).

This event was the best opportunity for all partners to know each other, to meet (even if just in virtual conditions) and to present their organisations, key people and expertise.

The international team investigated the main milestones of the project and the results that will be achieved by implementing it, together with essential elements related with dissemination and valorisation of results.

A detailed agenda of the event can be viewed here:

The partnership of this project includes organisations from Turkey (the coordinating organisation), Italy, Romania, Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal and Ireland:


Archivio della Memoria (AdM)


ProEduca z.s.




Final project meeting of Age Management Masterclass Project

The final meeting of the Age Management Masterclass project took place in a virtual office… in Iasi :)…

We were sorry that we could not meet again face to face but we were happy to spend time together even virtually and to recap the most significant moments of the project and especially the final results we had obtained!

Stay up to date with the latest news as well as the wonderful final products of the Age Management Masterclass project here:

How ASIE is adapting for COVID-19

ASIE continues to work and implement its activities, facing the current challenge that coronavirus presents. The safety of our staff and adapting our programmes to continue supporting students, adults, volunteers and stakeholders is our first priority.

Most people, health and educational sectors, businesses and industries will be affected in one way of another, ASIE included.

Being involved in international projects, ASIE’s top priority will be to continue the implementation of the current Erasmus+ projects but respecting safety and protection of all our beneficiaries.

Therefore, we have taken the decision to postpone most of planned public events and international physical activities until we have updated information from the coordinating European countries and World Health Organization. We are confident that even if the environment is fragile and future uncertain, we will be able to develop innovative solutions to adapt:

Inform and share ideas

We are updating our staff, volunteers and stakeholders on a regular basis to inform them about the impact on programs. We are inviting everyone to share their ideas for adaptation and need for change. Reach out to us with your suggestions for how ASIE can best adjust its programs to respond to the pandemic.


We are working to adapt our learning programs and activities in order to continue. While learners may not be able to attend classes in person, we are developing solutions to make sure students can continue their education through online or blended learning initiatives. We are enhancing the IT infrastructure and building the capacities of our staff to introduce new ways of teaching.

Psychosocial support

As most of our beneficiaries are vulnerable youth&families, we offer psycho-social support to those most in need. ASIE can offer psychological counselling and support though virtual sessions. Together with our local partners, we are also working to develop online career and educational counselling programs.

Our staff

The ASIE team is following the governmental advices, which in most cases means we are working from home and not travelling.

On behalf of the entire ASIE team, we wish you and your family good health!

We hope soon to be back to regular operations so we can keep our activities up to date and be, as usual, in the middle of our community!



Third transnational teaching, training, learning event in Austria – Age Management Masterclass project

Between 3-6 February 2020, a new learning & training meeting was organised in Austria, for Age Management project.

In beautiful Stoob we learnt about Weiberwirtschaft ( in a context of a social entreprise aimed at helping women having difficulties in joining the working labour market and the age management concept of FBST – Frauenberatungsstelle.

Together with hosts, we discovered age management on the site – the elder trainees at Weiberwirtschaft helped us to learn how to make typical Austrian cookies.

It was a wonderful time and wonderful learning experience!









Start for DICE (Digital competences in Adult Education) project in Rome!

In December 2019, ASIE started a new cooperation in a brand new and innovative project: DICE – Digital competences in Adult Education

Digitalisation – this is the most prominent current term when it comes to describing social change. We encounter the “digital turn” in all fields in our world: in the economy, in trade, in industrial production, in the security industry, in public administration, in medicine, in agriculture, in transport, in the culture and music industry, and – not least – in education.

Project objectives

The overall objective is to create mechanisms that enable the development, the monitoring and the acknowledgment of teachers’ digital intelligence. We will achieve this goal by sharing experiences and knowledge of digital teaching and a virtual library based on knowledge about digital competences in adult education in 6 European countries.

Further aims

a) to assist adult education providers to gain insight into state-of-the-art ICT course description

b) train the teaching skills and digital competences of coaches

c) to increase the motivation and commitment of learners to lifelong learning, esp. new technologies

The extended goal includes the following topics

– Improving the employability of older workers
– Improving self-confidence through adult digital skills development ]
– New teaching approaches to support teachers and trainers
– Provide tools for all adult education providers

First meeting in Rome was a good opportunity for all partners to present their expertise and knowledge on the topic and set the main mainframe for the future mutual activities.

Stay tooned and follow us on this project!




What is Age Management?

As people work for longer, management for an ageing workforce has become a priority.

Age Management Masterclass is an European funded Erasmus+ partnership aiming to offer best practice examples in age management across Europe.

Age Management Masterclass – the project presentation:

ASIE Foundation in Romania creates this material to provide a brief introduction to the concept.

First transnational teaching, training, learning event in Italy – Age Management Masterclass project

The first short staff training event of the AMM Erasmus+ European funded project took place in Rome between 5-7 June 2019.
During 3 days of joint work, participants explored best practices in age management and enjoyed the beauties of Rome.
Italian study cases for age management included some powerful and important institutions such as:
Roma Capitale (analysis and possible actions to enhance the temporarily inadequate educational staff; Interventions to manage and support the professional change of staff temporarily unsuitable for the specific task, which, also due to aging, is forced to transform their profession).
Azienda Sanitaria ASL 4 (Adapt work to the elderly in health activities)
Sapienza University – research project on Age Management between teaching and analysis (The project in the project: AMO, Age Management Observatory)
INAPP researches on Age Management attitudes and practices and technological innovation. Results from surveys and training issues.

AMM TTL1 collage


Concursul de Creativitate Tehnica Aplicată ”MECATRON”, ediţia a IV-a

Concursul județean de creativitate tehnică aplicată Mecatron a ajuns la a IV-a ediție!

Invitatie Mecatron 2019

Liceul Tehnologic de Mecatronică și Automatizări, în parteneriat cu Asociația pentru Sprijinirea Inițiativelor Educaționale organizează acest concurs dedicat elevilor de gimnaziu și de liceu, cu scopul de a încuraja copiii și tinerii să se îndrepte spre dezvoltarea unei cariere în domeniul tehnic.

Alături de noi  la această ediție se află și diferite companii angajatoare relevante din Iași ce vor oferi participanților premii interesante și atractive!

Vă așteptăm cu drag joi, 7 martie 2019, în incinta Liceului Tehnologic de Mecatronică și Automatizări!

PROGRAM mecatron 2019

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